Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

bhan evo bird

Milk, Soy milk, stupid knuckle, buhwaseok, wind patterns, sap, dad's no excuse,my mom's heart,el cover feather,eagle feather
Batguy mask, tail, bat wing, bat tooth, bat tooth, black sap, kim, father of the youth, dad's no excuse, geomri, crow feather
dalteol, bedroom madam feathers, crow feather, rabbit hair, hayanteol, baekseolgonjuhon, snow, magic powder, titanium, mother's heart
mother's love, mother's heart, her sincerity, he's young, he's an excuse, bear bile, milk, soy milk, tatto, 4 leaf clover
teeth, hecheulringuyippa, sharp teeth, bat teeth, vampire fangs, geomidok, beoseotdok, dokontop, invory,4 leaf clover

Potion, High potion, Max potion, Milk, Soy milk
Silk carp, Gold carp, Bear gall, Bat wings, 4 leaf clover
Kkaokyigitteol,Gold,Lucky card, Titanium, Platinum,bitnaneunsilGlass
Mithril,Magic powder, Moonstone
Mother love, Mother devotion, Man's romance, he's young, Father excuse
Mother heart,
Jason heart, Cold heart,
Lucky card, 4 leaf clover
1000 Magic Hat, mabeopcheonot (on), mabeopcheonot (under), Magic 1000 shoes, Magic Leather, Magic leather (on) Hat,magic leather (under),magic powder, Wizards of the patterns

Eyeball,4 leaf clover,Magic powder, ,Magic Fabric Hat,
Magic Fabric Clothes(T), Magic Fabric Clothes(B), Magic Fabric Shoes, Mage's Clothes(T), Mage's Clothes(B)
Kkeulneunpi,batman mask,tteugeounpi,bat wings,adoring the sword,the bat teeth,yeolhyeolgeom,Vampire fangs,adoring daggers,daemabeopsauihon

Gwimokdaegeom,Sword of the Evil Eye,kkeulneunpi,tteugeounpi,pachungryupi,paranpi,Jason heart,cold heart,Golem Heart,four-leaf clover, vampire pattern

Cowhide,tokkigwi,hecheulringyippal,Snakeskin, stable staff,bitnaneunsil,chicken wings,Leather Wolf,pig farmer's rake,four-leaf clover

Thankless passion,cowhide,tokkigwi,hecheulringyippal,stable staff,Bitnaneunsil,wings,wolf skins

Mermaid's bubble,Blue blaze, Snake skin,Horn Incubus,Dragon's Water Goggles,Platinum antennae
Bat's teeth,Bat wing,Moonstone,Lunar Shield,4 leaf clover

Lunar Shield,Dragon's Water Goggles,Mermaid's bubble,Blue blaze,Snake skin
Horn Incubus,Platinum antennae,Bat's teeth,Bat wing,4 leaf clover

Platinum Plunger,GS of Alloy,Cleric Piya's Syringe,Mithril Sword,Slayer,Metronickers,Damascus,Bastard Sword,Platinum Mace,4 leaf clover
Mithril Sword,Staff of Awakening,Slayer,Bastard Sword,Platinum Mace
Platinum Plunger,Divine Blade,Metronickers,GS of Alloy,4 leaf clover
Scrubber,man of romance,lucky charms,four leaf clover,mother's devotion,ttuleoppeong 4,jongsetteu,Mother Bear's knife

Determine the star,shining crystal,starlight shield,bags of dreams,bamgapot (on),Daluibangpae,Moonstone,Starlight Boots,the decision of El Saki,four-leaf clover

Starlight Helmet,Starlight Armor(T),Starlight Boots,Night Shadow Helmet,Night Shadow Armor(T)
Night Shadow Armor(B),Night Shadow Boots,Lunar Shield,Moonstone,4 leaf clover

Snake skin, carp,Hatchling scale,Crab leg,Chicken Costume(T),Chicken Costume(H)
Ruby,Blood Dagger,Solar Hat,,4 leaf clover
Chicken Costume(T),Snake skin, carp,Hatchling scale,Crab leg,Solar Shield, Hat,Ruby,Fiery Sword,Blood Dagger,Dagger Of Vampire,4 leaf clover,Chicken Costume(H),

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